A Brief Primer on DEMENTIA FILM, by Adam Lehrer
Dementia film, a microcosm of a generation unwilling to claim its own culture
The curse of dementia film - the sub genre of art house films where demented old out of touch boomers insist that they still got it and drop 3.5 hour pieces of trash on the masses with the full backing and support of legacy media - has really made its presence known in 2024.
Megalopolis, Gladiator 2 (and last year’s Napolean, also shoddily pieced together by a demented Ridley Scott,) some Clint Eastwood movie straight to streaming, the Shrouds (sorry, but Cronenberg is making dementia film now too)
We, millennials and yes zoomers, are so insecure in our artistic visions that we’ve essentially forfeited our culture to old men well past their creative expiration dates, even going as far as to astroturf ourselves into thinking these films, and relatedly terrible cultural products, are good.
We badly need a representative pop culture at higher levels of media beyond internet subculture. We need to retch control away from all liberals and their leftist subservients. We need to DISRESPECT our elders because they have abused our respect for too long.
Dementia film is a microcosm of a post-wokeness art world, a test of our abilities to challenge hierarchal authorities, a test of our taste ! A test of our dignity; how much slop art can you consume before you have said: ENOUGH
How many dementia films can you watch before coming to conclude: NO MORE